
I've got lots of free time at work, so I search for Changeling stuff on the web all the time. Here are some of the more useful sites I've found. If you've anything to add, email

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Player Resources

Online Fae Character Sheet This is the sheet we'll be using for our game. Fill it out, save it, and either email it to me or copy it to disk.

Fantasy Name Generator Stuck for a name? Try here.

Bunks Stuck for a Bunk idea? Try here.

EverWyrd's Big Book of Bunks Or here.

Radio Free Arcadia Here's a link to an internet radio station I programmed specifically for this chronicle. It has a blend of Changeling-esque and Flint music. Courtesy of SonicNet.

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Flint Resources

Official Flint Homepage

Flint Police Department Homepage

UAW Flint Local 598

The Flint Generals Hockey Team

The Greater Flint Muddler Minnows A web page for fishing.

The Almighty Groove Homepage for a Flint Band.

FLINT & ME MICHAEL MOORE RETURNS TO OUR FIRST LAST-PLACE CITY If you really want to get a feeling of what life is like in Flint, MI in the WoD, read this, from Money Magazine’s web site.

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Web Sites

The Oh-Fee-Shul White Wolf Site

The Moonlit Trod The premier Changeling resource site on the web. Discussion forum, IC chat, email lists, archives, and literature (even some by yours truly).

The Right to Dream - A ST Resource for Changeling:The Dreaming

Endless Dreams A nice fan site with some good info

Changeling: The Celtic Cycle A different look at Changeling from some of the contributing authors.

BJ Zanzibar's World of Darkness

Enderilyich's Changeling Homepage

Arcadia Gateway

EverWyrd Freehold An incredible resource on the net for Changeling. Beautiful layout, too.

The Realm

Klanktronics A Nocker's web page. It's about @$*&! time, too!

Lothyan's Changeling Page

Underhill Online - A Phouka's Paradise

Scattered Realms Changeling information index.

County Rowan Oak

Changeling: The Dreaming Rather outdated, but one of the earlier Changeling sites.

Coming Attractions for Changeling: The Dreaming

Wanderer's Thread: The Changeling Page

Changeling Links (and lots of them)

Nunnehi Resources

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Other Changeling Chronicles

Mona's Aquarium A chronicle set in Seattle, WA. The web site is also a great source of original Changeling art.


The Cambria Chronicle

Midnight Hour: A Live Role-Play Society

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A Time of Shadows

Shattered Cathedrals

Metro: Toronto by Night

Night & Fog

On Your Mark: Indy by Dreaming

Cinder Falls

Cairo by Night

Something Wicked This Way Comes

New England: Colony in Shadows

Emerald Dreams

The Masquerade

Crescent City

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Changeling Listserv To subscribe, send an email to with the message "subscribe changeling-l" (NOT changeling-1) contained in the message body; commands in the subject line are ignored.

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Elfwood Lothlorien

Fairy Friends

1st Encounters Digital Art

Amy Brown Fantasy Art

Land of Enchantment


Goblin Design Sweet art, excellent web page design.

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Random Stuff

Gargoyles Rules for World of Darkness By Kash Hefley (

Highlander Rules for World of Darkness

Everything Celtic on the Web

Welsh Castles Just something to put you in the mood.

Legolas' RPG Resources A general RPG resource page. Nice layout.

Matt's Homepage

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